Griffith East Public School

Excellence, Innovation and Inclusion

Telephone02 6962 1804

For administration

Emergency contact

Where the welfare of your child is concerned, the school cannot risk having out-of-date information. The details originally supplied by parents are kept on file. These include:

  • address
  • telephone numbers
  • emergency contacts
  • serious illness, disabilities or allergies

Any subsequent changes to this vital information, or additional health matters that could affect the well-being of your child (e.g. the need to wear glasses) should be notified to the school without delay. We need current information on hand so we can contact you in cases of emergency. This helps avoid anxiety for students who can become distressed if parents cannot be contacted quickly.

Change of address

When changes of address or telephone number occur the school should be advised either in writing or personally so that up-to-date records can be maintained for each child.

Change of name

Students are to be enrolled in the name on their birth certificate, unless there are court orders in place which allow a change of name.

Students can be known by a preferred first name ( Will/William or Sam/Samuel), however their last name is to be as stated on their birth certificate.

Change of routine - home time

If your child usually travels home by bus and you plan to pick your child up ( or vice versa), OR someone else is picking them up OR they are walking somewhere, please let the teacher know in writing so there is no confusion and the teacher will know exactly what is to be done at the end of the day.

We understand that due to exceptional circumstances the arrangements for a student going home may change during the day while the student is at school and that parents need to contact the office to get a message to the student.

It would be appreciated, if possible that messages are received at the office by 1.00pm as messages received close to the end of school are difficult to get to students as we only have 2 office staff and not all classrooms have phones.

Please do not send emails to the school email account with messages for your children.

Change of school

If your child is going to transfer to another school please contact the school office so that the necessary processes and forwarding of documentation can occur.

Medication at school

There are times when a student requires medication to be administered at school. School staff are not trained pharmacists. If your child requires medication during school hours the following statements must be adhered to:

  1. Only prescribed medication can be administered.(This includes paracetamol)
  2. An Indemnity Form is required from the parent/guardian stating the nature of the medicine, dosage and giving consent for staff to administer the medicine, (for each and every medication type).
  3. Medication must be made available when needed in cases of change of routine e.g. excursions.
  4. The school must be informed of any serious medical conditions and children with a continuing need e.g. Bee sting reaction. This information is collated in a “Children at Risk” folder which acquaints staff with this important information.
  5. Students requiring any medication at school must complete an indemnity form, and this form must be renewed when doses or medication change.
  6. If students need short term medication e.g. Antibiotics, an indemnity form must still be completed.
  7. Asthmatics may keep their medication, in particular ‘puffers’ on their person
  8. No medicine is to be kept in school bags.
  9. Medications are administered from the Front Office by a designated member of staff.
  10. Unless documentation has been completed by families, school staff will not be able to administer any medication.

If your child is diagnosed with asthma or anaphylaxis you  need to provide the school with their action plan, which must be updated annually by their doctor.