Griffith East Public School

Excellence, Innovation and Inclusion

Telephone02 6962 1804

School information

School booklet

This handbook is designed to provide you with information about the procedures and programs of our school.  

The school commends the concept of "co-operative education" to all parents. If parents and teachers work together and communicate positively by sharing ideas and concerns, it is certain that children will also develop positive attitudes towards school and learning. The outcome of such co-operation, will be for children to approach their learning with greater purpose.

A-Z School Information Booklet

School photographs

School photographs are taken each year, usually in Term 1.

Parents may elect to purchase school photos. Payment is made directly to the photographers through an order system before school photo day.

School leaders

Each year the students of the primary school elect a boy and girl captain and a boy and girl vice-captain from Year 6.  Also 4 student representative council members are elected from Year 6. These are elected democratically following policy speeches.

The elected students are given many tasks of responsibility.  They conduct the weekly assemblies and involve themselves in student matters.  

Student equipment

The majority of items required in the classroom are supplied by the school. E.g. Exercise books, pencils and crayons ( K-2)

A special list is sent home from infant and primary sections at the commencement of each year.  Parents are informed of any other requirements by a note from the class teacher.

Children in the primary classes need to provide their own pens and coloured pencils. Apart from this, other requirements may be eraser, glue, scissors, pencils and a ruler.

Liquid paper is not allowed at any time.